BLADEBATH™ "Horticultural Pruning Saw Sanitation"
BLADEBATH™ "Horticultural Pruning Saw Disinfecting Tube"
Simple • Effective • Efficent • User-Friendly
For Use With Most Straight Blade Hand Prunning Saws
Pruning saw sanitation is a greatly overlooked aspect of professional tree care. Arborists have a duty to guard against cross tree contamination. Many tree care specifications now require provisions for saw blade sanitation... the BLADEBATH is your solution!
Pruning saw sanitation is a greatly overlooked aspect of professional tree care. Arborists have a duty to guard against cross tree contamination. Many tree care specifications now require provisions for saw sanitation. The "BLADEBATH" is a simple, efficient and effective means of achieving sanitation results. Used properly, this Patent Pending device will disinfect most straight blade hand pruning saws.
Constructed of durable PVC plastic with "screw top" removable lid, simply fill the cylinder with disinfecting solution, attach to your work belt and insert saw blade. Invented and designed by James (Jimi) LeGette, a certified arborist practicing in South Florida. The "BLADEBATH" is manufactured by Lauderdale Tree Inc located at 3411 SW 49 Way Bldg #1, Davie, Fl 33314. Learn more about this new product by emailing us at .
Instructions: Fill cylinder with a solution of 50% Pine Sol (or equivalent) and 50% water. Change solution periodically. For optimum results, immerse saw blade in solution for a minimum of ten minutes.